- These are the organic, biodynamic and ethical ingredients that characterize the product line, carefully selected for the beneficial action they perform on the type of hair for which they are dedicated (coloured, curly, fine, etc.). In addition to the ingredients of the line highlighted in this area of the label, each product contains additional functional ingredients that give it its specific action.
- No less important than the ingredients that the product contains are the traditional raw materials that we have chosen to eliminate from our formulas, replacing them with what we repute as more natural and safe. Here you can find a list of the raw materials we have banned.
- Password: transparency. We know that consumers are increasingly better informed and demanding regarding ingredients and formulas, so we decided to simplify your task, making a clear and comprehensable list of ingredients. How? Indicating, the natural raw materials and their type and origin: (EO) Essential Oil, (B) from biodynamic farming, (O) from organic farming, (FT) purchased from fair trade, (ND) naturally derived. Scrolling down the list of natural ingredients, you will realize that there are many more than those listed on the front label. Happy reading!
- Point your smartphone camera on this icon and wait recognition and link (the app only takes a few minutes to download if you don’t have it already) and enter the world of ORGANIC WAY! Your smartphone, and the QR code will lead you directly to the oway.it website, where you can find lots of information, news and insights about our philosophy and our products.
- This panel shows the material of which the packaging is composed. OW packaging is made of glass or aluminum, 100% recyclable an infinite number of times, with huge savings in energy and raw materials and less CO2 emissions and greenhouse gases.
- We love animals and respect all living beings. The second icon is a small trash bin, which reminds you not to disperse the empty container in the environment, but to throw it into the appropriate recycling bin. The third icon is very important, an open jar containing a number: the PAO. This symbol indicates the months the product can be conserved from the time of opening. For example, a product with PAO 12M can be consumed for 12 months from its opening.