zanthoxylum soothing gel 花椒抗敏舒緩凝膠 150ml x 1
soothing hair bath 溫和舒敏浴髮乳 240ml x 1
soothing remedy 溫和舒敏免沖洗急救精華 50ml x 1
smoothing conditioner 柔順防毛躁護髮素 240ml x 1
frequent use hair & scalp bath 日常頭髮及頭皮護理浴髮乳 240ml x 1
frequent use conditioner 日常護理護髮素 240ml x 1
remedy hand balm 核桃修護潤手霜 50ml x 1
velluto (lip balm) 絲絨潤唇膏 10ml x1
花椒抗敏舒緩凝膠 - 舒緩凝膠,適合過敏,泛紅或發炎的頭皮。花椒凝膠能舒緩刺激性皮膚及痕癢不適。它有助於自然控制發紅和發炎的問題,並消除血脂。
溫和舒敏浴髮乳 - 敏感、泛紅或受刺激頭皮專用的舒緩浴髮乳。性質溫和,適用於最敏感的嬌嫩肌膚小孩也適用。紓緩最敏感的嬌嫩肌膚;適用於敏感性頭皮,小孩也適用。
溫和舒敏免沖洗急救精華 - 專為敏感肌膚而設的免沖洗舒緩精華。強效舒緩抗紅,紓緩刺激不適和痕癢;為頭皮溫和保濕,讓肌膚回復至平衡狀態;具持久舒緩作用。
柔順防毛躁護髮素 - 適合頭髮乾旱,難以整理的頭髮。柔化和理順乾燥、難以打理的頭髮,控制鬆度和毛躁。
日常頭髮及頭皮護理浴髮乳 - 所有髮質及頭皮(包括最敏感的頭皮)適用的日常頭髮及頭皮護理浴髮乳。溫和潔淨,令髮絲倍添強韌;適度保濕,不會令秀髮顯得厚重扁塌。
日常護理護髮素 - 所有髮質適用的日常護理護髮素。瞬間順服糾結亂髮並發揮保濕功效。滋養每寸髮絲,令髮絲倍添強韌,卻不會令秀髮顯得厚重扁塌。
核桃修護潤手霜 - 適合極度乾燥或受損的手部肌膚,配方輕爽不黏膩。OWAY核桃修護潤手霜成分99.6% 源自天然,清爽的質地特別適合香港天氣,潤而不油,迅速吸收,令乾涸雙手變得柔軟滋潤。*通過皮膚科測試, 適合敏感皮膚
絲絨潤唇膏 - 100%天然來源的滋養和修復凝膠潤唇膏。
zanthoxylum soothing gel - Soothing serum-gel for the sensitized, red, or irritated scalp. It relieves sensitized skin. It helps naturally control problems of reddening and irritation and counters delipidation.
soothing hair bath - Sensitive scalp soothing bath for the sensitized, red, or irritated scalp. Even for the most sensitive skin, like that of children. It soothes even the most sensitive skin, like that of children or those with sensitized scalps.
soothing remedy - No-rinse dermo-soothing treatment for sensitive skin. It reduces irritations and itching with efficient soothing and anti-reddening action. It gently moisturizes the scalp, restoring skin balance. It has a long-term soothing action on the.
smoothing conditioner - Smoothing effect conditioner for dry, hard to manage, untameable hair. Softens and detangles dry, hard-to-manage hair controls volume and frizz.
frequent use hair & scalp bath - Frequent use hair and scalp bath suitable for all hair and scalp types, even the most sensitive. It gently cleanses and strengthens the hair leaving it moisturized but not weighed down.
frequent use conditioner - Frequent use conditioner for all hair types. Quick detangling and moisturizing action. It nourishes and strengthens without weighing the hair down.
remedy hand balm - Nourishing and lipid-replenishing hand treatment. Intense repairing action for dry and chapped hands. Nickel tested / Dermatologically tested.
velluto (lip balm) - 100% naturally derived nourishing and repairing gel lip balm.