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Hair Care
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smoothing hair bath 柔順防毛躁浴髮乳 240ml x 1
smoothing conditioner 柔順防毛躁護髮素 240ml x 1
frequent use hair & scalp bath 日常頭髮及頭皮護理浴髮乳 240ml x 1
frequent use conditioner 日常護理護髮素 240ml x 1
glossy nectar 高亮滲透保濕精華 50ml x 1
detox body bath 排毒舒緩沐浴乳 270ml x 1
velvet body fluid 絲滑保濕潤膚乳 150ml x 1
gesto (dish detergent) 餐具洗滌劑 500ml x 1
scintilla (dish brush) 椰子纖維洗刷 x 1
plantae (fruit and vegetable cleaner) 蔬果淨化洗滌劑 240ml x 1
remedy hand balm 核桃修護潤手霜 50ml x 1
velluto (lip balm) 絲絨潤唇膏 10ml x1

柔順防毛躁浴髮乳 - 適合頭髮乾旱,難以整理的頭髮。消除毛躁,控制完美流暢的髮量。

柔順防毛躁護髮素 - 適合頭髮乾旱,難以整理的頭髮。柔化和理順乾燥、難以打理的頭髮,控制鬆度和毛躁。

日常頭髮及頭皮護理浴髮乳 - 所有髮質及頭皮(包括最敏感的頭皮)適用的日常頭髮及頭皮護理浴髮乳。溫和潔淨,令髮絲倍添強韌;適度保濕,不會令秀髮顯得厚重扁塌。

日常護理護髮素 - 所有髮質適用的日常護理護髮素。瞬間順服糾結亂髮並發揮保濕功效。滋養每寸髮絲,令髮絲倍添強韌,卻不會令秀髮顯得厚重扁塌。

高亮滲透保濕精華 - 是重塑修護的精華油。滋養、全面修復飽受各種損傷的髮絲,並為髮絲增添光澤。順服糾結亂髮,令其易於梳理。加快乾髮時間。不會令秀髮顯得扁塌,最適合頭髮稀薄人士使用。可按需要隨時使用,保護髮絲並增添光澤。

排毒舒緩沐浴乳 - 排毒和保濕淋浴乳。已通過鎳測試 / 通過皮膚測試。pH4.6-5.0,與肌膚酸鹼度一致,有效維護天然皮脂膜。來自天然萃取的清潔處方,溫和細緻,並高度抗乾燥。富含多酚,具有抗壓與抗氧化功能。

絲滑保濕潤膚乳 - 滋潤肌膚,使其更細緻光滑。適合所有類型的皮膚。已通過鎳測試 / 通過皮膚測試。深層滋養肌膚,讓肌膚倍感柔軟舒適。改善脂質屏障的完整性,提供緊湊性和靈活性並延長組織的年輕活力。改變皮膚,使其柔滑光滑。

餐具洗滌劑 - 液體餐具洗滌劑,98%天然萃取。已通過皮膚測試及鎳測試。溶解油脂,污垢和雜質,使其光澤和明亮。讓洗碗成為樂事。皮膚病學測試的護手配方,含有98%無毒可生物降解的天然來源原料,不污染海洋,海洋,河流和湖泊。(只適用於手洗,不能用於洗碗碟機。)

椰子纖維洗刷 - 由山毛櫸木手柄、椰子纖維刷毛和棉繩組成的洗碗刷。用於手洗,或放進洗碗機的預先清洗。

蔬果淨化洗滌劑 - 清洗蔬果,去除化學殘留物和污垢,98%天然萃取。高濃度洗滌劑,天然而安全地去除蔬果上的污垢、添加物及農藥。沒有香味,它不會改變蔬菜的新鮮度和香味。 清洗後的水果和蔬菜更安全,可以安心地享用。按照建議份量使用蔬果淨化洗滌劑 plantae (fruit and vegetable cleaner),進行濃縮和有效洗滌,減少浪費食水。

核桃修護潤手霜 - 適合極度乾燥或受損的手部肌膚,配方輕爽不黏膩。OWAY核桃修護潤手霜成分99.6% 源自天然,清爽的質地特別適合香港天氣,潤而不油,迅速吸收,令乾涸雙手變得柔軟滋潤。*通過皮膚科測試, 適合敏感皮膚

絲絨潤唇膏 - 100%天然來源的滋養和修復凝膠潤唇膏。

smoothing hair bath - Smoothing effect hair bath for dry, hard to manage, untameable hair. It eliminates frizz creating an ideal surface for smooth styling. It controls volume for perfectly smooth hair.

smoothing conditioner - Smoothing effect conditioner for dry, hard to manage, untameable hair. Softens and detangles dry, hard-to-manage hair controls volume and frizz.

frequent use hair & scalp bath - Frequent use hair and scalp bath suitable for all hair and scalp types, even the most sensitive. It gently cleanses and strengthens the hair leaving it moisturized but not weighed down.

frequent use conditioner - Frequent use conditioner for all hair types. Quick detangling and moisturizing action. It nourishes and strengthens without weighing the hair down.

glossy nectar - Rebuilding oil. It shines, nourishes, and rebuilds hair, leaving it soft, silky, and manageable. it protects from heat sources. it accelerates drying times.

detox body bath - Detoxifying and anti-dryness shower gel. Nickel tested/ Dermatologically tested. Composed of a gentle cleansing base of vegetable origin, it energizes the skin and has a valuable anti-dryness effect.

velvet body fluid - Nourishing body fluid with a silky effect. Nickel tested/ Dermatologically tested. Nourishes the skin deep down, leaving it feeling soft and comfortable. Improves the integrity of the lipid barrier, giving compactness and flexibility and prolonging the youthfulness of the tissues.

gesto (dish detergent) - Liquid dish detergent, 98% naturally derived. Dermatologically tested / Nickel tested. Dissolving grease, dirt, and impurities, making dishes shiny and bright; making dishwashing a pleasant chore. Dermatologically tested protective formula for hands formulated with 98% of non-toxic and biodegradable naturally derived raw materials, which do not pollute oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes. (Do not use in dishwasher.)

scintilla (dish brush) - Dishwashing brush with beech wooden handle, coconut fiber bristles, and cotton rope.

plantae (fruit and vegetable cleaner) - Fruit and vegetable liquid purifier to remove chemical residues and dirt, 98% naturally derived. A special concentrate that naturally and safely removes dirt, additives, and pesticides from fruits and vegetables. Without fragrance, it leaves unaltered the freshness and the fragrance of vegetables. Offers safer fruit and vegetable consumption. Using PLANTAE at recommended doses allows concentrated and effective washing with limited waste of water

remedy hand balm - Nourishing and lipid-replenishing hand treatment. Intense repairing action for dry and chapped hands. Nickel tested / Dermatologically tested.

velluto (lip balm) - 100% naturally derived nourishing and repairing gel lip balm.

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